Fixed on her feet, the photographer was captivated.
Sometimes photographers communicate a message through artistic shots, contrast, or a variety of elements included. Other times, the frame is simple with only the bare image speaking to the viewer.
How is this bare image, of Mother Teresa's foot so powerful?
What does it symbolize?
How does the picture speak?
This image is powerful to me because it depicts age, struggle, and a lack of focus on, or capability for, material wealth. The feet seem as if they have been bound, perhaps in old Italian shoes from childhood. Knowing that these feet are Mother Teresa’s prevents me from seeing them as anything other than beautiful—knowing she helped so many and in turn neglected herself.
Of course I can only presume, but the photographer captures a part of Mother Teresa we didn’t see very often in the media (other than the very recognizable blue and white hem), and thus he or she is able to show the effect selflessness had on Mother Teresa—and how she, quite literally, stands the test of time here. I don’t think this picture in any way trumps the unbelievably moving portraits of her face—a face known all over the world—but the focus on her feet, feet that kept her walking through AIDS and tuberculosis hospitals for decades, certainly gives us pause.
I think this picture is powerful for many different reasons. When I first looked at it, I immediately noticed the gnarled toe. The picture of the toe is unusual and looks very painful. You would think that someone would try to get the toe fixed. When I found out it was Mother Teresa’s toe, it became clearer why she did not have it fixed. For one, she probably did not have the money to afford such an operation. I think by leaving this toe unfixed shows many different aspects about her life. It shows that she is well traveled. Obviously one would have had to walk great distances in closed-toed shoes to have this happen. It shows she has wisdom, because of the worn and wrinkled appearance of the foot and the worn leather sandal. I also think it is a message for her ministry. It tells people that she has gone through lots of pain, hardship, and traveling to support her ministry. This message I think would give hope to many people. It shows through hard work, dedication, and perseverance you can accomplish your goals in life.
What a beautiful, moving photo. The beauty is in the simplicity of the shot to reveal so much about a person. It shows Mother Theresa’s obvious neglect of her body and comfort in order to devote her life to others and her religion. I think that this photo is especially an important reminder to our culture, which can be very individualistic and self-serving. To be reminded that people can live to give to one another is a beautiful culture shock. Also the photo shows that our conception of the body and its beauty (of the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie type) that is glorified in our culture is not the only kind. The physical perfection that we value is undercut by an image like this, which glorifies an image of self-sacrifice and spirit. And if not glorifies, at least the photo presents an anomaly to the dominant idea of the human body and behavior to show that we have options how to live and what to value.
There is not a lot that takes place in this photo, it is only a simple photograph of Mother Theresa's foot. Yet this picture is so powerful and moving, and I believe that it holds a strong message.
The first thing that caught my attention when I looked at this photo, was how Mother Theresa's toes were distorted, and that her sandle was worn. The clothes that she would always wear were clean and crisp, yet her feet weren't in the same condition. This helps represent how the world could not truly see all the sacrifices that Mother Theresa made in her lifetime. Because everything that was in our view, was fresh and crisp; yet what we couldn't see was what seemed to be suffering the most. There were a lot of things that Mother Theresa had to give up in order to help others, yet all of that didn't bother her. Because she was willing to make those sacrifices.
Not only does this photo show what Mother Theresa had to give up, but I think that it always help to show what she had to go through. She founded an organization whose purpose was to help the poor and less fortunate, meaning she was the head of the organization. Yet the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of someone who is in charge of an organization that was as big as hers is: wealth and really expensive clothing. But none of that mattered to her; she was not all about how she could better her life, but about how she could better others lives. All the material things that would matter to some people, never mattered to her.
I also think that it is important to know who this foot belongs to, because without knowing that, the message of the photo would be lost. It is what Mother Theresa sacrificed and went through that helps to strengthen the message of the photograph. And the reason why I love this photo so much, is because even though Mother Theresa passed away a while ago, she still is able to reach out to others through her photos. It's as if not only her presence touched others, but what she had to give up in order to do that.
I think that the message of this photopraph, is that it is not on the outside that makes us beautiful, but what is on the inside.
This photograph grabbed me the moment I saw it. I couldn’t look away. It shows the years of hard work that Mother Teresa has done throughout her entire life. The simplicity of this photo shows more than any other portrait of Mother Teresa could. Just focusing on her foot says a lot about her and her work. This photo shows how one person cared so much for others and ignored their own health.
What caused her feet to become so deformed? Selflessness. She would wait until everyone else had selected the donated shoes giving them the best selection and leaving herself with the ill fitting ones.
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