This picture is very simple to judge in more than one way. Of course there are American Flags, which Unify and Rebel Flags which show how the United States can be separated. Maybe the owner of this shack is representing ole dixie and the United States too.
I would like to hear others’ reactions to this post as well because I am shocked—really, I have a physical reaction—anytime I see a rebel flag flying high anywhere: on the backs of trucks, outside homes, tied on foreheads, outside shops like this one. I suppose I just don’t buy into the idea that the flag can, in all seriousness, be flown without any malicious intent or regard for the backstory.
So, to answer the question, I don’t see any unity here—only division. This photograph reminds me how we have not come as far as we might think. It serves as a wake-up call—“hey, hold on a minute, don’t get ahead of yourself and think racism is extinct and all people’s prejudices are either eradicated or at the very least no longer veiled under some supposed pride for a heritage.”
I would like someone to present the other side of this argument for me—is there a good argument that could convince me to come to the middle? Have we reached a level of racial equality in this country where the rebel flag can be flown without it hurting anyone?
As many times as I have merely glanced over this picture, I finally realized why it is so curious to me. I think it is so odd that the two American flags have images printed on them while the Confederate flag remains untouched. According to the United States Flag Code, "the flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind." I think the conditions of the two different flags show a large division of loyalty- the shopkeeper obviously holds more loyalty to a flag that acts as a sad reminder of decades past than a symbol of his/her country. Unfortunately, some people aren't willing to realize that the south is not going to "rise again."
This picture to me is the Civil War. While that period of time might have been a long time ago, this picture shows just how relevant it still is. Many historians agree that Reconstruction (the period of time directly follow the Civil War, in which the country tried to rebuild itself) was an unfinished revolution. America began to try and unify itself as a new nation, but never really got there. I think that this picture embodies that opinion. A lot of what cause the Civil War was due to the geographic differences that eventually cause economic differences between the North and the South. Though the North and the South are now unified under one government and share many similar lifestyle characteristics there will always be a divide among the two due to how they were first developed.
Regardless of this rationalization though it still makes me angry to see the Confederate flag. It has no business being flown especially not next to defaced American flags. The fact that people still try to perpetuate the differences that were so great they divided our nation makes me mad, because they should have pride in our nation as a whole and realize that flying that flag only makes our country more divided.
This picture is very simple to judge in more than one way. Of course there are American Flags, which Unify and Rebel Flags which show how the United States can be separated. Maybe the owner of this shack is representing ole dixie and the United States too.
I would like to hear others’ reactions to this post as well because I am shocked—really, I have a physical reaction—anytime I see a rebel flag flying high anywhere: on the backs of trucks, outside homes, tied on foreheads, outside shops like this one. I suppose I just don’t buy into the idea that the flag can, in all seriousness, be flown without any malicious intent or regard for the backstory.
So, to answer the question, I don’t see any unity here—only division. This photograph reminds me how we have not come as far as we might think. It serves as a wake-up call—“hey, hold on a minute, don’t get ahead of yourself and think racism is extinct and all people’s prejudices are either eradicated or at the very least no longer veiled under some supposed pride for a heritage.”
I would like someone to present the other side of this argument for me—is there a good argument that could convince me to come to the middle? Have we reached a level of racial equality in this country where the rebel flag can be flown without it hurting anyone?
As many times as I have merely glanced over this picture, I finally realized why it is so curious to me. I think it is so odd that the two American flags have images printed on them while the Confederate flag remains untouched. According to the United States Flag Code, "the flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind." I think the conditions of the two different flags show a large division of loyalty- the shopkeeper obviously holds more loyalty to a flag that acts as a sad reminder of decades past than a symbol of his/her country. Unfortunately, some people aren't willing to realize that the south is not going to "rise again."
This picture to me is the Civil War. While that period of time might have been a long time ago, this picture shows just how relevant it still is. Many historians agree that Reconstruction (the period of time directly follow the Civil War, in which the country tried to rebuild itself) was an unfinished revolution. America began to try and unify itself as a new nation, but never really got there. I think that this picture embodies that opinion. A lot of what cause the Civil War was due to the geographic differences that eventually cause economic differences between the North and the South. Though the North and the South are now unified under one government and share many similar lifestyle characteristics there will always be a divide among the two due to how they were first developed.
Regardless of this rationalization though it still makes me angry to see the Confederate flag. It has no business being flown especially not next to defaced American flags. The fact that people still try to perpetuate the differences that were so great they divided our nation makes me mad, because they should have pride in our nation as a whole and realize that flying that flag only makes our country more divided.
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