The elephant is the revered national symbol of Thailand. Its sacred image can be seen throughout the Kingdom as testimony to its central role in the history and culture of the Thai people. A century ago there were over 100.000 elephants in Thailand. Today estimates of the remaining elephants vary from 5.000 to as low as 2.500.
This photo of Sampran, a wild bull elephant, is treated at the Lampang National Elephant Institute in northern Thailand for infections caused by a poacher's snare .
How does this photo make you feel? Do you think it is okay that people have the right to do this to harmless animals? Do you think anything could be done to stop this extinction process or do you think poachers have taken it too far already?
This photo of Sampran, a wild bull elephant, is treated at the Lampang National Elephant Institute in northern Thailand for infections caused by a poacher's snare .
How does this photo make you feel? Do you think it is okay that people have the right to do this to harmless animals? Do you think anything could be done to stop this extinction process or do you think poachers have taken it too far already?
This photo makes me feel rather sad. Having been to Thailand and seen elephants in camps, I think it is so sad that they can only safely exist in camps. I feel like someone who would poach an animal must either be very desperate or very sick. Unfortunately, I think the process has gone on too long, but if people are willing to fight poaching, i think the process can be reversed. The Thai people really love elephants, and it is the symbol of the King.
This photo is rather depressing. Altough elephants aren't harmless, I feel that poaching is worng. People do not have the right to do this. I think that humans can stop the extintion process. But this would take effort from everyone and not just a few animals rights groups.
I don't think that people have the right to poach and harm animals, they might think they do though. Poaching will always be a problem in the World, but I don't think that means that we should sit back and watch because there is no way of bringing a stop to poaching altogether. It's wrong that animals have to be placed into camps in order not to be killed because it is sad that they can no longer roam free in their own land. If the poaching in Thailand continues I do think that they will be faced with a very serious problem soon and that they will no longer be able to take the issue as lightly as the appear to be doing so now.
After viewing this photo, it made me feel really sad. I felt sad not only for this poor elephant, but for all animals and the way we treat them. Animal poaching has become a major world-wide problem. The number of animal and plants becoming extinct has reached a crisis point. Many poachers have made lots of animals go extinct and numerous animals are becoming endangered because of poachers. The human population have risen dramatically and man’s predatory instincts combined with his ruthless consumption of natural resources are directly responsible for the situation. Many animals are threatened with extinction because of what’s happening with the environment and because of poachers. Many animals are not only haunted for the resources they provide, but they are also haunted for fun. I think people need to begin to open their eyes to the illegal poaching of animals instead of ignoring the issue. It’s sad that humans who have the ability to do something about the situation of animals being harmed like the elephant in the photo, and they do nothing at all. Furthermore, it’s important that the government provide more, specific laws against the illegal killing of animals. It’s true that in some aspects of the animal population, it needs to be controlled, but it’s depressing that some people kill and harm animals for fun. Soon, I believe that the few elephants (giants) that are left in Thailand will soon be extinct. While, there still is a chance, the people of the world need to take a stand. Also, it’s depressing to think about the after effects of the animals that have been poached. Many animals like this elephant have to live with the after effects like the elephant in this photo has an infection that needs to be treated.
I was very disturbed after seeing this photograph. I don’t understand the point in harming these animals. If it is for the meat, ivory, and hide…it is just not worth killing an innocent animal. It seems to me that it is not to late to turn this issue around. It is sad that these animals can only be safe in camps, but at least people are trying to make a difference. Every animal that is helped could prevent extinction.
This picture is a depressing picture. Elephants in my opinion are one of the neatest animals on the earth today. To see one that has been suffering for no reason is really heartbreaking. I do not think that an animal like the elephant which is not very populated anymore needs to be in contact with humans at all. We need to just let them do their thing. There were 100,000 elephants and now there are 2500 to 5000 elephants. I am not sure about the extinction process. They may be able to repopulate but loosing about 95% of your population is pretty bad.
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