Monday, April 14, 2008


Andrea Turner's Entry
The night before the burial of her husband's body, Katherine Cathey refused to leave the casket, asking to sleep next to his body for the last time. The Marines made a bed for her, tucking in the sheets below the flag. Before she fell asleep, she opened her laptop computer and played songs that reminded her of "Cat," and one of the Marines asked if she wanted them to continue standing watch as she slept. "I think it would be kind of nice if you kept doing it," she said. "I think that's what he would have wanted." How could this picture be used for an essay about the families of Marines?


Allie said...

This picture really shows how hurt the familes of Marines can be. I do not know what this feels like but I imagine that its so scary to send the one you love off to a place where you cant see or communicate with them. It makes me really said to hear this woman say she wants to sleep by the one she loves one last time. If really makes you realize how hard this must be for the families of marines, and anyone else at war. It is a brave act for anyone to go and fight for our country and it really makes you appreciate how much they give up for us, and how much their familes have to give up. It gives you a sense of respect for the familes and for the soldiers. This picture could be used for an essay about the families of the maries by incorporating the sides of war that we do not see. You could also use this to show just how painful the effects of war are for the people that we do not see.

Allie said...

was i not suppose to leave that? ha

Matt Fleenor said...

A very sad photgraph and entry about how a woman has lost a marine fighting for our country. Although, not having any first hand experience with losing someone fighting for our country, I have lost a close loved one and I do know how hard it can be. This really brings back memories and it is just depressing that we all will eventually go through this. The families of Marines are already risking losing each other and to not know each day what might happen, is a scary thought and hard life to live. I highly respect the families and marines for the unimaginable amount of pain and fight they have for their country! It is nice to see that in this photo that this woman wants to sleep at the foot of her husband's casket and how fellow marines are helping stand watch. All in all, it is great to hear the honor people have for each other, and especially the ones fighting for our country.

Alex Burkhalter said...

This picture really blew me away the first time I saw it. The pain that the families go through while their loved ones are fighting for our country is definitely clear in this picture. It is hard to imagine the heartache they have to go through. These families never know if their loved one is safe, how they are doing, or what they are going through. They just must simply wait in hopes and prays that their loved ones will return safely. I also think that this shows the side of war that most Americans do not really see. The media and reporters usually just report the casualties and then that is that. It is what people do not see, the reality of this picture is what the families must go through in the aftermath. In pictures such as “Cat”, it shows the grief and pain that the family members must endure. It almost looks like a picture out of a movie, with the marine carefully standing watch in the corner. However, the sad truth is that “Cat” is very real and it relates to the families of our armed forces pretty much every day.

vbarnes2 said...

This picture is very painful to see, but I feel that it needs to be seen. In the media this kind of image is not shown that often. People need to see both sides of the war, especially what the families are going through. Everyone can relate in someway to losing a loved one or even just the thought of losing someone. Before seeing this image, one might not look at the war and marines and think of how this is affecting families. This photo would be a great example of how these images of the war can hurt or help. Personally, to me this photograph helps by really hitting home, relating in someway to everyone.

Kali said...

This picture has a kind of pathos that no words written could begin to match. In a single frame it captures the sadness, devastation, and despair that the families of Marines go through for our country. This picture would be a great aid to writing an essay about military families because offers a look into an emotion many of us will never feel; true sacrifice. Seeing how people are forced to deal with the noble sacrifices their loved ones make in order to make this world a better place.
I think this picture also has a very unifying effect even though it deals with the War in Iraq, which is anything but unifying for the US. No matter what your opinion on the war though, everyone can relate to the sadness this picture portrays. True many of us have never gone through losing a loved one in a war, but we still have enough empathy to recognize how hard and horrible that must be.
The impact of this picture is great and it really should be shown in more places because the public needs to be remembered the very high price this country is paying and just how humanized this war is.

D/a/non said...

This photo is an example that war is not only hard on the solders directly involved but also for the waiting families that are utterly powerless. They wait patiently for their loved ones to get back to them and they almost always have to harbor the dreaded thoughts of, "What of they never come back?" This is why we must always support our soldiers because it's not only hard for them, but also for the ever waiting here at home. Sure, you may not agree with ever aspect of the war, but they are there for us and we must respect that in honor for the ones lost and to honor the ones now without.