This photo depicts the running of the Olympic flame to its home this year in Beijing, China.
Of course we already know that every time an Olympic event is held the flame is always paraded in hopes of inspiring unity and hope in all that see it. It’s an especially great honor to be one of the runners selected.
However, it also brings a great responsibility, not so much to the carrier, to make sure that the flame makes its trip unharmed.
As you may know, the games this year have brought up an amazing amount of controversy due to the fact that they are being held in a “communist” country.
Due to this newfound controversy additional guards must run alongside the main torch bearer so that he may be able to run unhindered and without fear of being attacked by a random protester.
This brings me to my question for you.
Provided with this knowledge, the knowledge you already have, this photo, and the abundance of info sitting at the keys your fingers are laying upon; what are your feelings about the games and their meaning being held in a country where the people there have very little freedom?
Do you think that this may help with the “melting” of China’s communist grip?
Or do you think that this is something that is only being done to pacify the inhabitants to prevent future uprisings?